links: normale Ausstecherle, rechts: Mandel-, Haselnusskugeln |
600gr. Mehl
200gr. Zucker
2Pk. Vanillezucker
2 Eier
400gr. Margarine oder Butter
Das Mehl mit dem Zucker in eine Schüssel geben, in die Mitte die Eier, die Butter klein schneiden und rundherum verteilen. Dann mit dem Knethaken zu einem glatten Teig verarbeiten.
ACHTUNG: der Teig wird klebrig, aber das ist ok!
I planned a lot of things for friday after coming home from Munich, so everything worked out fine until I became hungry and went into the kitchen...I couldn't help but needed to get ready for christmas in the way of baking little christmas cookies.
Here is a fast and also delicious receipt:
600gr. flour
200gr. sugar
2 Pk. vanilla sugar
2 eggs
400gr cold butter
Put flour and sugar in a bowl, the eggs in the middle. chop the butte in little pieces and put it all around. Then use your kitchen machine with the dough hook to get a clean dough.
ATTENTION: The dough will be kind a sticky but that's ok.
Have fun everyone trying the receipt and enjoy the first advent!