Donnerstag, 28. April 2011

iced smoothies

Hallo meine Lieben,

ich hoffe ihr habt Ostern gut überstanden, alle Ostereier ob aus Schoko oder vom Huhn gefunden und das tolle Sommerwetter genossen.
Ich habe viel Zeit mit der Familie und meinem Freund verbracht, in der Eisdiele geschuftet ( es kam einem so vor als würde die Schlange nie nie niemals kürzer werden) und mit ein paar Kollegen, ja so wollen sie genannt werden an einem Schulprojekt: HÖRSPIEL gearbeitet.
Nebenher verschiedene DIY Projekte angefangen von denen ihr bald mehr erfahren werdet, das erste ist schon hier:

Hello lovelies,

I hope you had a great Easter Weekend, found all estereggs whether out of chocolate or from a chicken and enjoyed the summer weather.
I spend a lot of time with my family and the BF but also worked a lot in the ice-cream shop (it felt like the line of waiting people didn't get shorter) and worked on another project for school with some collegues, (yeah, they wanna be called this way) a radio play.
Alsongside I was working on some DIY Projects which will be shown here soon, the first one is right there:


Ich habe mich heute Mittag spontan an die leckeren selbstgemachten Eissorten von früher erinnert, diese Erinnerung zusammen mit meinem derzeitigen Lieblingsgetränk SMOOTHIE brachte mich auf die geniale Idee, das mal wieder auszuprobieren. Es entstanden zwei super leckere total sommerlich und erfrischende Sorten.
Eimal: Lychee, Himbeer, Johannisbeer und Orangensaft  und die andere war Banane, Himbeer, Johannisbeer, Orange. Musste es gleich mal beim GNTM schauen heute abend probieren. Superlecker und einfach empfehlenswert.

Today I was just remembering the tasty homemade ice cream flavours I ate when I was little, this memory mixed with my current favourit drink SMOOTHIE gave me the great idea of trying it myself. 
I made two really tasty sorts.
First: Lychee, raspberry, red currant and orange juice and the second one banana, rsapberry, red currand fresh orange.
When I was watching Germanys Next Topmodel I needed to try the first one and I need to say frozen it's even better. Just try it out.

first but everything in the mixer always some juice to get a better flow


than putting it in these litte cups from tupperware or IKEA

Ich werde sicher in den nächsten Tagen noch ein paar neue Sorten ausprobieren und bei Gelegenheit auch mal wieder das ein oder andere Rezept posten. Versucht euch selbst aus, ich freue mich auch auf eure Vorschläge.

I am sure I will be trying some new receipes the next days and will post some new one. Try it out, and if you have something really really got just let me know.

Enjoy the rest of the day.

Mittwoch, 20. April 2011

Stilfrage - question of style

Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich melde mich zurück mit einem neuen Projekt STILFRAGE, jeden Monat werde ich mir nun ein Kleidungsstück aussuchen und seine Tragevariationen vorstellen, dabei gibt es die Kategorien Office, Sporty, Party and Casual.
Heute beginne ich mit einem derzeitigen Lieblingskleidungsstück, meiner wollweißen Stoffchino von ZARA, ich hoffe euch gefällt die Idee.

Falls jemand ein Wunschkleidungsstück für nächsten Monat hat kann mir dies gerne per Mail mitteilen.

Hello lovelies,

i am back with some new Project called STILFRAGE, from now on I will introduce one piece of clothing to you every month  four variaties: office, sporty, party and casual.
Today I start with my current favourite clothing, the whoolwhite ZARA chino, I hope you like the idea of this project.

If anyone has some piece of clothing for next month project just send me an email.

you can enlarge the pictures by clicking on them.

Ich starte dieses Projekt um die Vielseitigkeit vieler Kleidungsstücke zu zeigen, die wir innerlich bereits in eine bestimmte Schublade gesteckt haben.

Ich hoffe ich habe Erfolg damit.

I just start this project to show you how versatile clothing is, which we put in some kind of drawer in our inside.

I hope to be successful with that.

Mittwoch, 13. April 2011


Hello lovelies,

last summer my family started to renovate our house including a new roof and a new room for me and my sister. The thing is they decided to do most of the work alone which means, my sister and me need to help and work things out, too. So at the moment I am spending my weekend helping my parents with the house and working in the ice café the good thing about is, I can earn some money for new funiture and even help creating our new rooms like the bathroom, kitchen and our bedrooms. Last weekend my BF was so nice to help me creating a plan of my new room and cutting out little models of the funiture I have already chosen. It feels pretty good to already know a litlte bit how it will look like and I am also really excited about how it will look in the end.
I asked JT from TwentyTwoAvenue for some support and inspiration how to create, decorate and live in small space rooms and she really created a pretty cool, interesting and inspiring post about it, thank you so much!

Here you can see my current planning of my new room and the furniture I already choose.

1 Bett bed    2 Schuhregal   shoe shelf         3 Leselampe    lamp for reading      4 Schreibtisch  desk    everything by IKEA

The part of the room called "SCHRANK" will be a really special offer hopefully it works. When I get ready to move in my new room I'll of course show you the pics of the result.

If anyone has recommendations for furniture, accesoires or just inspiring homepages, just send it to me I can't get enough.

And a huge sorry for not translating today but school work is calling just 5 more exams until i am really over.

Thank you so much for your comments and inspiration.

Mittwoch, 6. April 2011


Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich bin ein wirklich großer Muffin Fan und liebe sie in allen variationen, größen farben und geschmacksrichtungen, deshalb stelle ich euch in nächster Zeit meine derzeitigen Lieblingssorten vor heute:


Hello lovelies,

I feel like the biggest Muffin Fan in the whole world, I love them in every variation, size and flavor,  I want to share this passion with you that's why I show you my favourite kinds in the near future, today:


Ich gehöre nicht zu den Menschen, die super süße Sachen mögen, diese Muffins passen zu jedem, der gerne mal  süß aber nicht übertrieben süß isst.

I am not the one who loves the too sugery sweets so these muffin just fit perfectly for everyone who like  sweet but not that sugery.

Heidelbeermuffin / Blueberrymuffin

12 Muffins

20 Minuten Zubereitungszeit / 25 - 30 Minuten Backzeit       Backofen auf 180° /Umluft 160° vorheizen

20 minutes preparingtime / 25 - 30 minutes backing time     oven 180°  heat bevor backing

Zutaten  / ingredients

100g Butter /  butter

200g Mehl / farina

2 geh.  TL Backpulver / rounded tsp backing powder

250g Heidelbeeren / Blueberrys

400g Schmand / sour cream

4 Päckchen Vanillezucker / sachets of vanilla sugar

2 Eiger / eggs

150g Zucker / sugar

1. Papierförmchen in ein Muffinblech setzten, oder Mulden des Muffinblechs einfetten
    Put paper muffin cups in the wholes of the muffin pan or oil the pan

2. Butter schmelzen, Mehl und Backpulver vermischen. Heidelbeeren sortieren, abbrausen und trocken tupfen
    Mealt the butter. Mix farina and backing powder. Sort the blueberrys wash and dry them carefully

3. 200g Schmand und den Vanillezucker in einer extra Schale zu einem Guss verrühren
    Mix 200g of sour cream with the vanilla sugar in a seerate bowl

4. Eier mit dem restlichen Schmand, Zucker und Butter verrühren. Die Mehlmischung zügig unterrühren
    Mix the rest of sour cream with eggs and  sugar. Afterwards mix the farinamix with it.

5. Zwei Drittel der Beeren vorsichtig unterheben, damit sie nicht zerplatzen.
    Put 2/3 of the Blueberrys in the bowl but be careful, so they don't crack

6. Den Teig in die Vertiefung füllen und die restlichen Beeren gleichmäßig verteilen
    Put the dough in the pan and portion the rest of the berrys on them

7. Die muffins ca 10 minuten backen, dann den Schmand zuckerguss gleichmäßig darauf verteilen
    Bake the muffins for about 10 minutes, than take the sour crammix and put it on the top

8. die muffins wieder in den ofen schieben und weitere 15 - 20 minuten backen, kurz abkühlen lassen et voila.
    put the muffins back in the oven for about 15 - 20 minutes, afterwards let them cool down for a moment et
    voila one of the best muffins are finished

genießt dieses tolle Rezept.

enjoy this receipe.

Dienstag, 5. April 2011

passion and pink

I just noticed that i am totally dressed in ZARA, jewellery Thomas Sabo, Fossil & selfmade

Hello lovelies,

I though to begin todayy post with some pictures. The flowers from my blouse totally symbolizes my feeling right now. It's like a new chapter of the book just opens, spring is coming home more and more, I finished my two weeks fasting and everything tastes now so good I can't explain why but it feels great and the other thing is pink passion totally caugh me. I just love this colour so bad and now not just my mobile and mobile case are pink i also got aother pair of pink shoes and a pretty cool clutch from ZARA and also some new practising stuff you can see here:

What do you think about my new swimming suit? Some of you think why going swimming and not jogging, the reason is, I have some knee injury which makes it nearly impossible to go jogging, so I needed to chose a sport which is rather less knee intensive, so I started to go swimming again ( I was practising for 11 years until '08).

Which sports are you guys doing?

Thank you for the love you show me through your comments.