Ich liebe Lange Frühstücke am Wochenende die gerne auch mal etwas außergewöhnlich sein dürfen (etwas für das ich sonst eben keine Zeit hab morgens), so gab es am Wochenende mal wieder pancakes mit frischer Ananas.
I just love long breaksfasts on weekends, I lovehaving something special(just something which I can't have on usual mornings because of time), so we had pancakes with fresh pineapple.
Hey I am Anna a german university Student wanting to experience the whole world by enjoying every second, meeting people and just trying to make the best of every situation.
On this page I'll show you fashion, lifestyle and things which impress me.
P.S.: If you have any questions, comments or critic feel free to write me an email or just post a comment.
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