Sonntag, 27. Februar 2011

sneak a peek

Hallo meine Lieben,

und schon wieder ist eine Woche um, eigentlich wollte ich mich ja früher melden aber irgendwie hats nicht geklappt, ich glaube das ABI in 3 Wochen beansprucht gerade das Meiste meiner Zeit. Hier für euch nur ein kurzer Überblick meiner Woche in Bildern.

Hello lovelies,

it's been a week since I have been writing my last post much to long I hoped to update much earlier. Studying and preparing for my A-Levels in 3 weeks takes more time than I though. But here sneak a peek of my week:

self-made chocolate heart with caramelized pecans, so yummy

tried my first macaroons, mango, rasberry and pink grapefruit, next time I'll choose something not as fruity like mocca or chocolate think they taste better

needed some new eyeshadow and decided to buy somethign of the artdeco collection pretty cool system, you can choose the colours you want by youself and put them in the box. 

sunny saturday morning breakfast, loved it: hot chocolate pudding with sponge fingers

Thank you so much T for the great package, the headphones are just wonderful and also the t-shirt, I am excited about trying the whiskey any recommendations, pure or mixed?

Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle eine gute Woche und habt euer Wochenende genossen, hier hat es ziehmlich viel geregnet, richtiges Lernwetter eben.

Einen schönen restlichen Sonntag euch allen.

I hope you all had a nice week and enjoyed your weekend, here it was perfect to study because it rained almost the whole weekend.

A nice sunday eveneing to everyone.

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